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17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 28th July

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Lord, Teach us to Pray – Diocesan Events

Pope Francis has given us The Year of Prayer 2024 in preparation for the Holy Year of 2025. This series at St John the Evangelist, South Parade, Bath, draws us into the school of prayer so that we might draw near to the Lord who calls us to draw near to him.

We start on Tuesday 23 January with Fr Tom Dubois. The series details are:

Tuesday 23 January: Lord teach us to pray – how we pray (Fr Tom Dubois);

Tuesday 20 February: The prayer of Jesus (Fr Dermot Power);

Tuesday 30 April: The prayer of the Desert Fathers and Mothers (Fr John Udris);

Tuesday 28 May: The prayer of St Benedict (Fr Mark Hargreaves OSB);

Tuesday 25 June: The prayer of St Dominic (Sr Hyacinthe and the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph);

Tuesday 23 July: Windows on the Divine – praying with icons (Tamara Penwell);

Tuesday 24 September: The prayer of St Francis and St Clare (Friar Maximilian Martin, OFM Conv);

Tuesday 29 October: The prayer of Carmel (Fr Michael McAndrew);

Tuesday 26 November: The prayer of St Ignatius (Fr James Hanvey SJ).

Each session will take place in the Church and begin at 7.00pm. All are most welcome.

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Statement from the Bishops of England and Wales on Honouring Sunday

Statement from the Bishops of England and Wales on Honouring Sunday

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Universal Church Synod

Pope Francis has launched a universal Church Synod. Inviting all to be part of a discussion regarding the teachings of the Church. Every Parish is invited to be part of this. The Diocese of Clifton invites us to be part of this process. If you wish to represent the thoughts of the catholic community in Trowbridge and Westbury, please let Fr. Tom know and he will pass your details on to the Diocesan Synod link person.

What is the Church Synod?: There is an opportunity to find out more about the Synod on Saturday 6th Nov. Sarah Adams for our Diocese will lead a presentation and discussion in St. Johns Parish Centre 10am-12noon. You can also join this remotely through Microsoft Teams. If you wish to attend on-line please contact Richard Williams. to get the link.

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World Misson Sunday

On Sunday October 24th, the Church will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are asked to focus on the efforts to build peace in Nigeria where there is great division amongst the population. There will be a retiring collection and envelopes are available this weekend for you to make an offering.

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Marian Sisters

The Marian Sisters thank you for your generous donations, which amounted to almost £2,100.