

Ministers of the Word – Readers
Readers proclaim the Word of God at all Masses. Training is available for anyone interested.

Extra Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extra Ordinary Ministers distribute Holy Communion at Mass and bring Holy Communion to the sick and housebound in the parish.

Music Ministry
The Liturgical Music is provided by several groups: choir leaders, choirs, organists and musicians.

Altar Servers
An enthusiastic group of young people serve at Mass. Those who have received First Holy Communion are invited to come for training.

This group greets parishioners, newcomers and visitors as they arrive, and provides them with hymn books and Mass leaflets.

Care of the Church
A small and dedicated team clean the Church, care for the brasses and linen etc every Friday morning.

Flower Arrangers
Flower arrangers decorate the church for the Sunday celebration of Masses and all other liturgical celebrations. New members are always welcome, training available.