Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
This is a course for those wishing to become Catholics, or those seeking to know more about the Catholic Faith. The meetings, led by a team of catechists, take place at the Parish Centre on Wednesdays at 8pm during term time.
Infant Baptism
Parents who wish to have their babies Baptised are are asked to contact the Parish Priest. They are also requested to attend a preparation course for this sacrament.
A parish-based group of catechists prepare young people – year 9 and above – for this Sacrament. The course which takes place during Spring term requires from the candidates commitment, participation in various activities and learning.
First Holy Communion
Application forms are now available for the First Holy Communion Programme for 2025. Sessions will take place at St John’s Parish Centre on Thursday evenings from mid-January onwards. The programme is open to anyone in Year 3 or above. Please return completed application forms to Fr Richard by Christmas. More details of the programme will be provided soon. First Holy Communion Application Form First Holy Communion Application Form PDF
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)
See newsletter for times on Saturdays and Sundays and at other times on request.
Sacrament of Marriage
Arrangements for Marriage are made through contacting the Parish Priest. It is necessary to give at least 6 months notice to ensure all the preparations are in place.
Sacrament of the Sick
is celebrated within the Mass three or four times a year –
on request it is celebrated for the sick, old or infirm in their homes or in hospital.