From Canon Tom

Canon Tom would like to express his sincere gratitude to all parishioners at St. Thomas More, St. Bernadette’s and St. John’s for all the kind words, cards and gifts before and during his departure to Bristol. Also, a massive thank you for the kind parting cheque presented to him at Mrs. Tracey Sessions Retirement Mass on the 23rd July. It will be spent wisely!


Bishop Bosco will be coming to Saint John’s to celebrate this year’s Confirmation Mass on Tuesday 19th November. Application forms are now available, and a programme of preparation will begin in September. Copies of the form are available in all of the churches and have been sent out with the newsletter. Anyone who will be in Year 9 (current
Year 8) or above can apply for the programme. Please return completed application forms to the presbytery,
or email to

The form is also available to download Confirmation Application Form 2024



Last week the Gospel ended on a cliffhanger – Jesus ‘set himself to teach the people at some length’. Today we begin five weeks of that teaching, at a rare point where John’s Gospel parallels that of Mark, beginning with the feeding of the crowds – five thousand men (John does not add ‘beside women and children’.) This miracle of Jesus is the only one to be found in all four Gospels, but there are a few details which John adds. The first is It was shortly before the Jewish feast of Passover. This cannot be incidental; it is associating this meal with the feast, perhaps as the new Passover. The second is after the gathering up of the fragments, so that nothing gets wasted. What does this instruction of Jesus himself mean? There are different opinions – is it an allusion to the reverence due to the Eucharist? It rather resembles the words in the Didache, ‘as grain once scattered on the hillside, now in this broken bread made one.’ But it may be a way of emphasising the abundance of the gift – in v.27, Jesus says ‘do not work for food that cannot last’ – like the bread in this story. In the Old Testament parallel in the First Reading there is also an overabundance. The beneficiaries of these miracles were fed and filled, their hunger was entirely satisfied, all their desires were granted. Finally, note that John specifies barley loaves. Barley was the earliest grain crop and ready about the time of the Passover.


I will need some help from catechists with running this year’s Confirmation programme, and with next year’s First Holy Communion programme. Many thanks for those who have already replied; if anyone else feels that they may be able to help out, please let me know.
Fr Richard.

From Father Richard

Many thanks for the warm welcome that I have received from everyone I have met so far. I’m delighted to be with you as your new Parish Priest and look forward to meeting you all and getting to know you as quickly as possible. I’m still surrounded by boxes but I’m beginning to feel at home!

Calling Musicians

If you can play a musical instrument and would like to be part of the Music group within the Parish, then PLEASE make yourself known. Come along and say Hello after the 10.30 Sunday Mass at St. John’s.

Music worship within the Parish has always been a central part of the services, we do not ask for lots of commitment just that you would like to thank and Praise God though the talents that you have and come along and join in and play when you are available. You may be new to the parish and have musical ideas to share which would be very welcome. We look forward to meeting you whoever you are.

First Holy Communion 2024

Application forms for First Holy Communion 2024 are now available to collect from Canon Tom after Mass. If your child is in Yr 3 or above then please collect, complete a form, and return to Canon Tom. The closing date for application is 7th January 2024. The first session of preparation will take place on the 18th January 2024 at 7pm in St. John’s Church. Children and parents will be given full details of the course at this meeting.

Trowbridge Food Bank

As always, a massive thankyou to all who have contributed to the Trowbridge Foodbank Collection each month. Many people rely on your generosity. The next collection will take place on the weekend of 25th / 26th November 2023. Please leave you donated goods in the Church Porch at St. John’s and St. Bernadette’s.

300 Club

 If you wish to join the 300 Club, please ask Canon Tom or Mike Heather for an application form. They are also available on this website. 


St. Thomas More Bradford on Avon

Thank you to those who submitted responses to Mass time re-organisation in light of Canon Liam’s Retirement. It was announced to a small contingent of parishioners at St. Thomas More on Wednesday 19th April that there will be a Saturday Vigil Mass at 4pm as from Saturday 6th May 2023.


Pastoral Letter for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God 1st January 2023


Sunday Noon Mass

As from Sunday 6th November, there will no 12 noon Mass on Sunday. This Mass was introduced as a precaution against overcrowding at the 10.30 Mass on Sunday when we re-opened after the first COVID lockdown. Also, Fr. Tom may be asked to support other local parishes in the near future.

Children’s Rosary

Starting on Sunday 6th March at 9.45 we invite the children to join us in praying the rosary.  The children will lead us in praying with Our Lady as we think about the life of Jesus. Even if you can only join us for some of the rosary, you are very welcome; it will be a beautiful way to prepare for Easter. We’d like to give the children a little treat to enjoy after mass, please let me know if there are any dietary requirements  Please add your prayer petitions to our box , we will pray for them and bring them into mass. All parishioners are welcome to join us. From Sunday 13th we will begin at 10am. If you would like to help or to bake one week please let me know. Thank you, Sinead

Synod 2023

Thank you to those who attended our parish meetings regarding the 2023 Synod. There was some good and deep discussions.

Meeting Notes from St John’s     Meeting Notes from St Bernadette’s

Trowbridge Foodbank

We are now accepting offerings for the Trowbridge Foodbank. You can leave your offering in the Church porches. Each collection will take place on the last Monday of each month. From January 2022, the Foodbank are asking for Fray Bentos tiined pie products. Thank you for your generosity.




Live Streaming from St John’s

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